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Joe Etheridge
Encino Environmental Services

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Encino specializes in emissions performance testing (all criteria and GHG pollutants), LDAR leak detection and repair, CEMS continuous emissions monitoring systems, high-resolution satellite methane detection, and advanced environmental data software for the measurement and minimization of emissions to help ensure regulatory compliance and meeting ESG strategies and objectives.Our mission is to help energy companies meet and exceed their net-zero carbon goals to improve climate performance while enhancing regulatory compliance and profitability. Our experienced teams, state-of-the-art equipment, and advisory services will help you reduce operational and environmental risk, lower the total cost of operations, and improve productivity.


Company Energy IndustryOil & Gas

Speaker Sessions

EmSATâ„¢ Satellite Methane Detection System
Track: Symposium #4
Location: Symposium #4
Datetime: 02/08/2024 08:30am PST
Single Speaker