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Kelly Doody
Kathairos Solutions Inc.

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Kathairos means 'clean air,' and it has partnered with 60 major oil and gas producers to eliminate methane venting on remote well sites. As Chief Marketing Officer, Kelly has played a foundational role in supporting today's energy producers in meeting methane targets and regulatory timelines – efficiently, affordably, and at scale.Kathairos is revolutionizing the emissions reduction landscape by using liquid nitrogen (a non-flammable, non-polluting fuel source) to actuate pneumatic devices, eliminating the use of methane gas and immediately bringing well site emissions to zero – no power supply, maintenance, or operator involvement required.Kelly is an experienced strategist, founder and builder whose passion lies in merging powerful technology with the most pressing challenges of our time, particularly those in the energy transformation and decarbonization space. She is honored to play a role in bringing an incredibly impactful climate solution to the world through Kathairos, while supporting the oil and gas industry as it meets and exceeds greenhouse gas emission reduction targets effectively and economically.


Company Energy IndustryOil & Gas

Speaker Sessions

Eliminating Methane Venting from Pneumatics
Track: Symposium #3
Location: Symposium #3
Datetime: 02/08/2024 01:45pm PST