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Peter Schaefferkoetter
Blue Mountain Operations

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Peter Schaefferkoetter, a University of Texas at Austin aerospace engineering graduate, forged a career at ExxonMobil as a subsea and pipeline integrity engineer before pursuing a Ph.D. in computational mechanics at the University of Colorado at Boulder. During his time at CU Boulder, he's had the opportunity to collaborate with various Research Laboratories in problems concerning nonlinear mechanics and thermodynamics, including additive manufacturing of metals, solid-state battery ion transport, and thermomechanical material response behavior. Peter is currently the Chief Engineer at Blue Mountain Operations, developing a new generation of power drive systems that rivals the top competitors in the EV industry, emphasizing reliability and power efficiency, aiming to serve the US onshore oil and gas companies by providing state-of-the-art solar air compressors, pumps, and rotary equipment. Peter is also a decorated US Army combat Veteran with 3 tours in Iraq.


Company Energy IndustryOil & Gas

Speaker Sessions

Sustainable energy transition and helping corporates to achieve Net ZERO ambition
Track: Symposium #5
Location: Symposium #5
Datetime: 02/07/2024 01:45pm PST